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March 31, 2024
Cameron Russelle

If I were unhealthy again, here’s what I would do

I’ve been on my health journey for 10 years now…. 10 YEARS.

There have been endless mistakes along the way.

I’ve hours of time, energy, and money.

So you don’t have to.

In this memo, I’m going to give you the exact steps I’d take if I was my 150 lb shy, skinny, and sick self again.

If you read to the end, I’ve also got a free guide with everything you’d need to start.

What NOT to do.

I’ve tried many things in my time trying to achieve a great physique and a healthy body.

As you’d guess, a lot didn’t work or was just a waste.

Quite frankly, there’s only a select few things that actually matter when it comes to your health.

Yet for-profit companies of patented products will tell you otherwise.

So first lesson to myself:

Don’t buy into 99% of the health & fitness marketing.

The 1%?

Use mentors and a trusted brotherhood that has what you want to tell you what the 1% is. Then follow it.

In today’s world, you don’t need to be a pioneer with testing experiments with your health. Lean on the mistakes of others to shortcut your way to peak shape.

This leads me to some examples of the 99%.

  1. Using pre-workout: It’s an absolute classic example of marketing that got a hold of young guys getting into the gym for the first time. All bullshit. Does it work? Yes, it makes your heart feel like it’s about to exit your chest. Is it needed? Absolutely NOT! It actually hurts you more than the benefits you get. What I figured out is that pre-workout is great for the gym but as soon as you leave the gym, it’s a depressant to every other area of your health. Shuts your nervous system down, causes energy crashes, more anxiety, and the list goes on. However, a big reason most young guys feel they ‘need it’… aside from playing the status game… THEIR DIET SUCKS ASS. So we will fix that later.
  2. Drinking alcohol: I know you’re not going to want to hear this but deep down you really don’t want this a part of your life brother. If you’re serious about a life of mastery, peak performance, and 8-figure businesses, then cut this ASAP. It’s killing your progress in the gym… but realistically in every area of life. Stopping your momentum every 4-5 days to deal with a hangover is a surefire way to keep you out of reach from shredded. Now do you need to cut it out completely? No. A drink here and there sure. But when I cut back 90%, I got into the best shape of my life. I’m currently 8 months sober.
  3. Doing bulk & cut cycles: This was tough to understand but once I took entrepreneurship seriously, the idea of bulking and cutting was a joke of a concept. Unless you’re a bodybuilder and that is your career, it’s so counterproductive to a sustainable physique and health. If you’re JUST optimizing for your physique… then maybe you should still consider this. BUT for you… I know you’re on a path of greatness. You’re made for more than just a physique. So drop the cycles. What to do instead? I’ll explain in a second.

How To Get Shredded, Healthy, and Tap Into Peak Performance QUICKLY

First off I want you to get a few things clear. Results don’t come instantly, but if you stay consistent, they come quickly. So don’t try a bunch of stuff. Just stick to a single plan and let time do its thing. This is a long-term game. You’re making decisions for your physique and health for the rest of your life. Yes I get it, you want to bed Jacked, handsome, and healthy now to get with the girl, have the confidence, etc. but this is a long-term game. Play it as such.

Now the great news is getting your body into great shape and feeling amazing is simple. With these 2 pillars, you’ll get 80% of the way there.

  1. Movement
  2. Nutrition

I’m going to break down exactly what to do for each as a starting point.

Movement: The body's natural state we avoid.

Understand the body wants to move and grow. It yearns for it. So when you move, you feel better.

When you push it, it grows to match what you’re asking of it. This is the essence of muscle development.

So here’s what you need to do.

  1. Strength train 3-4x a week
  2. Endurance train 3-4x a week

That’s it.

The beauty of the body, it doesn’t care if you’re in a weight gym lifting iron or in a park pumping pull-ups on a tree branch. As long as you’re overloading your muscles, they’ll grow.

Now as for endurance, we do this for a few reasons.

We do it for your physique to keep our metabolism robust. Strength training also does this, but we can’t be in the gym every day and the body wants to be moving DAILY.

However, there are more health-related reasons we do endurance training, it’s realllly good for our recovery and resiliency to stressors. Developing a body that can recover fast and fight off illnesses is key.

Again, this could be anything that pushes your cardio system: walking, running, biking, swimming, or virtually any sport.

Lastly, when you’re moving the body DAILY and not just when you go into the gym, you’re maximizing your caloric potential… which comes into pillar two, nutrition.

So the goal is to move the body rigorously daily.

That can be done in really anyway you’d like.

I will, however, give you a plan that’s worked well for me.

Specifically strength training.

These are the 4 workouts that have been a foundation for me getting stupid jacked. These are screenshots directly from the guide I’m giving you later 🙂

SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: Before you run off with the workouts, PLEASE save yourself so much wasted time in the gym and TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. The goal is to get stronger every time you enter the gym. If you don’t know what you did last time, you’ll be leaving so much potential untapped.

Track your weight, sets, and reps every time.

I have all my men inside AboveMen using Trainzerize but anyone can use is called ‘STRONG’

As for the endurance side, my advice is this: Pick a sport or challenge and commit to it. You can change it out from season to season but set clear goals that keep you engaged. Join the basketball league, sign up for the marathon, whatever it is, and commit. Your body will thank you.


First, we’re all different, but the same. But for the sake of this memo. I’ll be focusing on the part where we’re all the same.

For the curious souls, the aspect of our nutrition where we’re different is in our genetics. Where our lineage lived and their diets plus any genetic breaks within your body that affect nutrient absorption

When it comes to nutrition, there’s only a handful of important variables to watch for to get 80/20 results with your physique and health.

  1. Quality of food
  2. Type of food
  3. Amount of food

Quality of food

If I were to go back, this would be the number one most important variable I’d focus on. It’d be the thing I’d spend the most money on, take the time to source, etc. In today’s world, the poles of food quality are very contrasting.

The availability of VERY poor-quality foods has never been higher and it shows.

I used to buy the cheapest with everything. That lead me to having this big physique but I felt like shit. FUCK THAT.

I want a 6 pack and energized to go fight a lion.

I see guys always complaining and being cheap about buying high-quality food, and before I would understand but now I think you should seriously invest as much as you can into eating the best of the best. Fuck a savings account. Eat organic whole foods.

You have one body, but many chances to make it big financially.

If the financial success comes a little slower due to fuelling your body with high-quality foods, that’s a trade-off I recommend every single day.

What does quality look like?

  • Grass-fed & finished meats
  • Pasture-raised eggs
  • Organic fruits & veggies
  • Wild-caught fish
  • Non-GMO
  • Free of as many chemicals as possible

The details are hard to cover in-depth here but as a maxim use this:

“Eat as close as nature intended”

Type of food

Rolling off the back of quality, next is what type of food should I eat.

The current best answer I have for you high-protein, high-fat diet coming from predominantly animal sources.

The foods I want you to eat regularly are these:

  • Grass-fed & finished beef
  • Wild-caught salmon, shrimp, local fish
  • Pasture-raised eggs
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Avocados (& avocado oil)
  • Grass-fed butter (or Ghee)
  • Lots of fruits
  • Nuts (Not peanuts)

Amount of food

Now this is going to be different for each of you but for me, I just paid attention to my body and what feels right. What allowed me to gain muscle, feel the best, and not store too much fat.

I’m 6’1” at 195 lbs and I’ll eat on average 3,250 cals a day.

Now you as a benchmark, use a generic calculator like this one, and put in the weight you AIM to be. it’ll spit out your caloric maintenance. That’s what you want to aim for daily.

Use this as a chart for what’s possible at your height:

If you’re eating more than 750 calories LESS than what it currently is, start with just 500-750 surplus. Once you begin gaining muscle in that direction you can start to creep up your calories to that target number.

Now in terms of the make of protein, fats, and carbs. Let’s keep it simple:

Protein: 25-30% of daily calories (ideally evenly spread throughout each meal)

Fats: 40-60% of daily calories

Carbs: 10-35% of daily calories (with most of them eaten later in the day or around workouts)

Tracking your foods

To understand anything of what I’m saying here you need to use a food tracker to gauge your meals, etc. Use

A Meal Plan For AboveMen

Okay, so you understand the 3 most important variables, time to put it together into a nutrition protocol you can follow. This is a kick-ass place to start:

Accept The Call: PEAK33

This leads me to give you the guide I spoke about.

It’s called PEAK33, and it’s a 33-day challenge to implement the very advice I just shared with you today.

So whether a beginner to health & fitness, you need to re-commit to your health, OR just want a fun challenge, PEAK33 is it!

It’s just in time to get into peak shape ahead of summer.

It’s super simple, here’s how it works:

You start with a 3-day fast (I’m starting mine tomorrow, April 1st)

Then.. you do these 3 daily actions

  1. Complete the daily workout
  2. Follow the ‘PEAK33’ Nutrition protocol
  3. 5m Fixed-Point Meditation

That’s it.

I put EVERYTHING you need to do this challenge into a PDF and drop the PDF inside my private community with a daily accountability group specific to this challenge. Plus if you have any questions you can ask away inside the group.

  • Workout plans
  • Meal plans
  • Grocery list
  • How to do the mediation (beginner-friendly)

I’m starting tomorrow but you can start at any time… BUT the sooner the better as summer is around the corner.

Access everything inside my community

I’ll see you inside.