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November 24, 2023
Cameron Russelle

How I started AboveMen: I was forced to (the short version)

My has been one big warm-up for where I’m currently at.

Now the game has started. This is how I got here.

For those who don’t know me, my name is Cameron Russelle. I’ve been on my own 10 year health and energy journey… which started with an insecurity. I was insecure about my body. I constantly got picked on, called names, and that created a burning desire in me for change.

So I did something about it at 16 years old. I went to the gym for the first time.

Over the next 4 years I went from 150 lbs shy, skinny and constantly getting sick to 200 lbs confident and shredded

Along the way I stumbled upon some pretty serious information that went far beyond adding some muscle. I came across pieces of the shattered blueprint… and I don’t think it was by accident.

You see I didn’t have any strong male role models to show me how to show up as my best self. My dad wasn’t there for… well he was there… but he had his own issues he never dealt with. He took the path of least resistance, he bought into the lies.

So my entire childhood, we never shared intimate emotions. I never got to talk about girls with him. He never showed me how to eat properly, how to manage my emotions, what habits I should have and shouldn’t have to be healthy, etc… I had to figure this out all on my own as it was a burning void in my life.

My entire life all I’ve cared about putting the pieces of life’s puzzle together that is being a man. a true man. I became obsessive about it, which has led me through many hardships.

I’ve been an outlier most of my life due to this burning desire. I was constantly changing friends, jobs, and cities.

I’ve moved 14 times and switched careers 15+ times by the time I was 24 years old.

I felt a constant sense of unease.. nothing has ever mattered to me as much as figuring out this blueprint, this protocol I didn’t even know I was looking for.

So over the last 10 years I worked to put the pieces together one by one… til it all snapped into place.

To my surprise my life started to to take a radical change. I eradicated the low energy and brain fog. I snapped out of low confidence and constant distractions. I got into the best shape of my life.

I found my calling in life. I started attracting more money than ever before. I started business and it’s gaining traction like crazy.

I began to feel love and joy for the first time. I started attracting beautiful women. Hanging out in front of redlight therapy devices and having the best sex I’ve ever experienced.

I actually stuck to my word, I started checking off meaningful goals for once. I became disciplined. I was focused, present, and alive.

The people around me started to treat me very differently, sayings things I’ve never heard about myself before. I began to attract like-minded people into my life. I started building a tribe of my own.

I let go on being afraid to push myself. I started pushing myself to places my old self would never imagine to go. I even picked up one of the most extreme sports out there..

That relentless buzzing of unease melted away. I cracked the code. I put it all together. Through all of it, the current state of the world, specifically the state of men… become alarmingly clear. This brought me to a few realizations:

  • Through all my bouncing around, there was only one thing I’ve ever been truly committed to… obsessed with… which is learning, teaching, and implementing around health, energy, and masculinity.
  • As collective, we’ve become the most unhealthy, unenergized, distracted generation of humans to walk this earth. That needs to change. Now.
  • Men are under attack…
  • Men kill themselves 4x more then woman
  • Men’s testosterone levels dropped 50% since 1972
  • Almost 50% of homes in North American are fatherless
  • The void of not having a strong male role model in my life wasn’t just something I experienced but the majority of boys & ‘men’ in today’s world also face…
  • This actually lead me to the most powerful experiences in my life.
  • I’d always wanted a big brother… I think due to not having a dad that served that strong male role.
  • Then one morning during my daily meditation, I had the strongest visual meditation..

The Time My Big Brother Made Me Cry

  • It took me back to my high school lunch room. I must of been 15 years old. I was sitting at long table where me and all my friends sat during lunch.
  • From the other side of the room, a tall male figure enters, and starts walking through the crowed lunchroom towards me
  • He approaches my lunch table… specifically me.
  • It’s my big brother… I never had.
  • I’m watching all this unfold in 3rd person btw… which made it 10x more powerful.
  • I get up, I hug him around the torso… he’s a good foot taller than me.
  • He came to take me out for lunch.. we head out.
  • I snap out of of the meditation, and the phrase, that still to this day is burned into my brain, shoots through my head… “Become the big brother I’ve never had.”

So… with these as the foundation of my perspective on my life & the world…

I felt a sense of duty.

My calling in this life came clear. The need to constantly job switch and city hopping suddenly stopped.

I knew I was about to dedicate the rest of my life do something about this. I was going to become the big brother I never had…

…To solve my own problem, to re-build the blueprint, to systemize it into a protocol, a lifestyle, and to ultimately open the door for a new breed of men: AboveMen.

It all starts with our body. Our health. Our energy. The food we consume. The habits we hold. The toxins in our environment. The self-talk in our heads. The way we move our bodies.

Being an AboveMan is commitment to mastery for life. A new way of living. Other men way to be him, and woman want to fuck him. Marry him. He’s not mr. nice guy, but he’s not the a-hole who can’t manage his emotions. He’s him. He’s not better than anyone else. He’s just the best version of himself. An AboveMan is committed to putting his health & energy first as he knows that’s the lever to become the best in his work & life. An AboveMan is shredded, war-ready at all times. He hates seed oils with a passion. He’s the spokesmen for grass-fed beef. He’s free from toxins and inflammation. Meditation is a non-negotiable for an AboveMan. He goes to the olympics for sleeping and wins gold every time. He’s intimately connected to God. He gets insider info from the muse. AboveMen can rehearse their goals to you while they sleep. Nothing distracts the AboveMan, he’s too focused on his goals, his impact on the world, serving him kingdom. AboveMen aren’t players, they are committed lovers. Their confidence can be felt when they enter a room. They lead companies to greatness. You’ll find them closing deals in the big city, but also deep in nature. They’re sharp, clear headed, present and calm. They push themselves to new levels.